July 8, 2022

Hi Holger

I really do appreciate 'your way'... 

i can feel the love behind your words... 

you certainly are not annoying... 

sometimes i wish i was a better communicator! 



Know That You Are Loved – Cleo Sol
Cleo Sol's song "Know That You Are Loved" can be interpreted in various ways, depending on the listener's perspective. While it may evoke a sense of melancholy due to its soothing and reflective tone, it is ultimately a song imbued with warmth, reassurance, and love. The lyrics emphasize self-worth, comfort, and the presence of unconditional love, which can be very uplifting.

It can be seen as a song that carries a dual emotional weight. Its core message is positive and affirming, aiming to uplift and comfort the listener. However, the reflective and gentle nature of the song might also evoke a bittersweet or melancholic feeling, depending on the listener's emotional state and personal context.

Sacred Sadness:

Peacefully happy, quiet joy... feels like the preference for this body-mind.

No need to fake a smile, or to eat chocolate just because sadness arises. What a gift to feel without "me"!

Thoughts and feelings suggest a "me" that lives only in the past of thinking and muscle-memory.

Being human? Allowing myself to investigate into the nature of mind; to value experience more than thinking.

It is priceless to come together with living human beings, in love for truth. Risking to be misunderstood; always a win-win.

We only defend illusions.

Holger Hub-bs

PS: What do have sadness and bliss in common?!!